Free Wills Month Returns in March 2021

Free Wills Month is normally March and October each year.  Good news, the next campaign is due to begin 1st March 2021.

Free Wills Month is a wonderful way to make a difference to the future of some amazing charities and provides the opportunity to get a simple will written or updated free of charge by using participating solicitors in locations across the UK.(May excl. N.I.)

The campaign is open to members of public normally restricted to 55 or over and covers the writing of ‘simple’ Wills. If you need something more complex the solicitor may ask you to pay the balance yourself.

This campaign can be extremely popular.  If you visit the following website, you can register your interest here and they will send you a reminder when the campaign starts.

How Free Wills month works

Appointments are limited and allocated on a first come first served basis. Once all available appointments are booked the campaign closes, this can be before the end of the campaigning month.

To book contact one of the firms of solicitors taking part in a Free Wills Month campaign during the designated month to request an appointment.

If you are successful

Free Wills Month allows you to provide for your family and friends as well as leaving a gift to your chosen charities too.

The many charities that offer fee-free will-writing by solicitors are only hoping you’ll make a donation or leave a bequest in your will – however you are under no obligation. However, stay mindful that these charities are paying money towards feesfor your will so please think carefully about donating something.

Access the Free Will Guide to help prepare

While you’re waiting for your appointment it’s probably a good time to do some preparation.  There is a helpful guide on this link

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