Is it better to use a solicitor to produce a will?


It’s not a one-answer-fits-all kind-of question.  

In comparison to a will-writing service, or a DIY-will, a solicitor-drafted will is written by a legal professional – so arguably it’s the most airtight will option.

That said, a perfect job of interpreting your wishes is never 100% guaranteed, however a solicitor-written will provides peace of mind as there is protection if something does go wrong.  

Solicitors are regulated by the SRA (Solicitors Regulation Authority), you can complain to the legal firm that drafted your will, and if not resolved you can go to the Legal Ombudsman.


When is it important to use a solicitor to write your will?

Some wills are not simple to draft.  When situations are complicated, for example, complex family circumstances, like estranged children, property ownership overseas or you run and own a business, this is when a solicitor-written will should be considered as the better option. 

If you can say yes to any of the following, you should consider using a solicitor:

  • If your estate is over £325,000 – as you might have to pay inheritance tax 
  • You have a complicated family situation
  • You want to protect certain family members or people in your will. 
  • You simply want to discuss your options with an expert to make the most effective choices.


Solicitor-written wills are normally the most expensive option 

Cost depends on what you need, but as a guide from the Legal Service Board you can expect to pay for a simple will between £144 and £240. 

A couples or complex will – can cost between £150 and £300.  A specialist will – that involves trusts or oversea properties, or you want tax planning advice – expect to pay a minimum of £500 to £600.

(Above prices include VAT)


A mirror will, to your spouse or partner can be cost effective, rather than doing them individually.  The Legal Services Board suggests shopping around for quotes as this is where good savings can be made.


Free-will storage included in solicitor’s fee 

There is always the question to ask, where’s the safest place to store my will? Using a solicitor normally comes with free storage – and you get a copy.  This is important when comparing costs with a will-writing service as they will usually charge an extra fee for storage.  

Also Read: Why wills are important


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