Should you be unhappy with any aspect of our service or the way your personal information has been stored, used or collected our staff will be happy to resolve your concerns. We do recommend that you bring any issues to our attention as soon as possible; as the sooner we know about the issue the sooner we can help resolve it. When a complaint is received in writing it should be passed on to the named complaints manager who should record it in the complaints log and send an acknowledgement email within two working days. We will endeavour to satisfy your concerns, however, if you remain unsatisfied with any aspect relating to your personal information, you have the right to complain to the
Information Commissioners Office. The ICO may be contacted at:
Information Commissioner’s Office
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Money & Investing Digest is a trading style of Citrus Ornge; a company registered in England and Wales, registration number 11376763 and registered office address, PLATF9RM, Hove Town Hall, Tisbury Rd, Hove. BN3 3BQ.
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