From eighteen years of age, a will is important. At any age will tell everyone what you want to happen to your money, possessions and property and makes it much easier for your family and loved ones to sort everything out when you depart from this world. Below are our top 10 Will writing providers.
Digilegal – With Digilegal, you are in safe hands. We have made thousands of wills since 2008 and are the only online will writers to receive an Innovation Space Waiver from the Solicitor’s Regulation Authority. Single will: £90 / Pair of wills: £150 – Printing & Postage: £15 per will.
- Solicitor-approved online service
- The most comprehensive service on the market
- Follow the simple step-by-step instructions
- Everything written in plain language
- Help is available every step of the way
- Save hundreds of pounds in solicitor’s fees
- Make unlimited updates free of charge
- 30-day money back guarantee – is one of the UK’s longest-serving and top-performing Online Will Writing websites. Run by MW Legal Services since 2006 they have over ten years of experience, over 18,000 satisfied clients and probably the best customer service level in the industry.
MyLawyer – MyLawyer’s service allows you to create a Will online. A Will is a very important legal document. It is the only way to ensure that your loved ones will inherit from you exactly in accordance with your wishes. Without a Will, the State decides how your estate is distributed. At MyLawyer we understand this, so we’ve made getting a Will as convenient and simple as possible with our Online Wills centre. And, as always, there are legal experts here to help you every step of the way
Farewill – For generations, writing a will has been a slow, expensive and inconvenient process that usually involves seeing a solicitor. They created Farewill to change that and have since helped tens of thousands of people make online wills across the UK. In 2020, this saw them crowned National Will Writing Firm of the Year at the British Wills and Probate Awards.
WSL Will Writing – A Will gives you peace of mind that your wishes will be respected. But it’s all too easy to put it off, and that can cause problems for your loved ones after you’re gone. At WSL, we make the process hassle-free by visiting you in the comfort of your own home or providing personalised guidance over the phone or by video chat, daytime or evening, seven days a week.
Their experienced team of friendly legal consultants will do all the hard work for you, explaining everything in plain English.
ProperWills – ProperWills is a will writing company helping thousands of individuals and families plan for their future. Making a will should be jargon-free, affordable and easy. For some it’s already quite a big thing – it shouldn’t be complicated and expensive on top of that. They have an easy to use an online questionnaire that takes you through the main choices to make and gathers your answers. They then write and send you a high quality will be adapted to your situation. All that in 1-3 days.
Make a Will Online – They started this website to offer an affordable, convenient and stress-free will writing service, perfect for busy people or anyone who would rather see their money go to loved ones than paying expensive solicitors fees. The documents were designed in partnership with an experienced solicitor and conform to established legal precedents.
Co-Op Legal Services – They make Will writing easy and offer fixed cost Will writing services including free, secure storage. The fixed fee they quote is the fee you pay. There will be no nasty surprises.
As part of the Co-op Group, their values of openness, honesty, social responsibility and caring for others are core to the service that they provide.